Simple Tips To Start And End Lessons

Teachers when incorporating and follows step by step lesson instructions, they can build up the lesson with effectiveness. Opening and closing routines can also bring consistency in the classroom, where students know what to expect and how they are supposed to transition through the lesson. It can also help a teacher to manage the classroom. ...

Written By : Aditi Rao

Students Learn More With Project-Based Learning

Not only the high school students but pre and primary students are also getting involved in project-based learning. This procedure is meant for all age groups and students to work on various models to come up with apt solutions to problems. ...

Written By : Ashwini Chandra

Physical Education In Times Of Remote Learning

Providing PE lessons too can be possible by using the house space and item. Some educators are even embracing the digital tool and social media to make the most out of the situation. Physical activity can positively affect our health, it can reduce our stress level and it can also improve our immune system. ...

Written By : Aditi Rao

Hands-On Amazing Tips For School To Help Kids With ADHD

Making learning fun, creative and engaging is very important. Educators need to reach the individuals needs and requirements. All learners possess different requirements and thus school should cater to their way of learning.  ...

Written By : Shivangi Chakraborty

Importance Of Introducing Music In Early Childhood Education

Traditionally, the teaching-learning process was a one-way effort. But in 21st Century classrooms, learners also play an active role in the instruction. Classroom environment, lesson planning is designed and developed as per the learner needs and requirements. ...

Written By : Ashwini Chandra

Understanding the Error Correction In an ESL Classroom

In ESL learning setup, error correction is something that is often necessary to practice by the teachers. The trick to using the error correction method in learning lies in prioritizing affectivity above accuracy. Constructive error correction must be done with appropriation; likewise, it must also be applied before it's too late. ...

Written By : Ashwini Chandra

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